Thursday, October 21, 2010


… Attached are the True Scientific Solar Calendars for three years: 2010, 2011, 2012, superimposed on the warped, retarded, misaligned, and mis-represented papal calendar that should be avoided as should all false calendars.
… The Solar Data for these calendars were obtained from the U.S. Naval Observatory, which is allowed to publish solar calendar data only in unrecognizable linear-calendar format.
… Solar calendars for later years can be easily constructed using a spreadsheet such as Excel, noting that all years begin ten days before January 1, or December 22, since January 1 is defined as starting ten days after the start of the new solar year.  After that, in the six months of Spring and Summer, all months have 31 days each; while in Leap Years 2016, 2020, 2024, and every four years thereafter, all six months of Winter and Autumn have 30 days each. In Non-Leap-Years, the first month of Winter has 29 days.
… These three electronic Solar Calendars are in full-color.jpg format and can be used as computer backgrounds for quick and easy reference. They can be printed on legal-size paper for posting on walls at home and work and easily e-mailed to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, business clients, suppliers, and printers to be included in business advertising, websites, YouTube videos, and binary Usenet newsgroup messages.
… These yearly calendars can also be conveniently separated into four separate seasons to fit in smaller spaces when larger accompanying graphics are desired.
… These calendars should be used by all civilized people since these are CORRECT calendars. All other calendars are false calendars and should not be used by civilized people unless compelled to do so.
… The dates on these correct calendars should be used as the primary dates on all correspondence, e-mails, forms, contracts, registrations, bank checks, notices, appointments, newsgroup articles, tax returns, chat group comments, and all places where dates are required or desirable. Where required to communicate with the mis-educated, the false calendar dates of the local ruling cult should be added, but only as a secondary note in parentheses.